Lake Glenville
Lake Glenville, officially known as Thorpe Reservoir since 1941 is fed by the west fork of the Tuckesegee River. The lake has 26 miles of shoreline and gets to depths of 80 ft. and is the highest lake in elevation east of the Mississippi. The cool clear water make great habitat for trout, walleye, large and small mouth bass, catfish, crappie and bream.
Bear Lake
Bear Lake in Jackson County has 13.5 miles of shoreline and is located on the east fork of the Tuckesegee River. The 475 acre lake is home to many large and small mouth bass, trout, crappie, and bream. Bear Lake is accessible by state road 281.
Wolf Lake
Wolf Lake is also in Jackson County. Located on the east fork of the Tuckesegee River, Wolf Lake is smaller than Bear Lake. At 183 acres, Wolf Lake has 6.7 miles of shoreline and is also accessible by state road 281. Trout, large and small mouth bass, crappie and bream are some of the fish that call this clear, cool lake home.
Lake Jocassee
Lake Jocassee located in up state South Carolina with an elevation of 1,100 feet is a 7500 acre lake with 75 miles of shoreline. The lake is still managed by Duke Power, therefore it is less developed and still retains much if its natural pristine beauty. The water is cool, clear and deep, being fed by the Whitewater, Thompson and Toxaway Rivers. The lake has a good population of trout, bass, crappie and bream.
Lake Keeowee
Lake Keeowee located in up state South Carolina, constructed by Duke Power to generate hydroelectric power is an 18,500 acre lake with 300 miles of shoreline. It is fed by the Keeowee and Little Rivers and has an average depth of 52 ft with a maximum depth of 297 ft. Fishing Lake Keeowee, one finds an abundance of bass, trout, crappie and bream.